Supply List

Supply List
Below is a list of supplies that your child needs this year. All supplies are necessary to ensure that your child is organized and prepared. When these supplies are used up (notebooks, pencils, etc) they will need to be replaced. I will let you know if (and when) your child needs new supplies. Please have your child bring the classroom supplies to school by Monday, September 12th, 2011

7 Notebooks (please put your child’s name on each notebook, I will label the subjects)
6 Folders-if you can purchase the following colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple (please put your child’s name on the folders, I will label the subjects)
2 boxes/packages of #2 pencils
2 boxes of crayons (a primary colors box, and a box of 24)
2 big pink erasers
1 box of markers
1 box of colored pencils
1 pair of child safety scissors
4 glue sticks
1 supply box/pencil case
2 boxes of tissues
1 package of paper towels
1 package of wipes